Brainol Review – Legit or Scam?
What is Brainol?
Brainol is a mental performance supplement that is used for improving focus, memory, energy, and its users’ general cognitive abilities. Their advertising says that it has applications for older users as a long-term mental functioning supplement, and for younger users as a cognitive booster that is able to increase their productivity at work or in school.
They say that it can help users with information retention and recall accuracy, attention span, and problem-solving capabilities. They also use several key neuroprotectants that the brain uses to clean out toxins and keep itself functional and limber, even into old age.
The nootropic aid that has shown the most benefit for increasing its users’ mental performance is called Memotenz. It has an ingredients list that uses’ the brain’s natural abilities to protect itself and function efficiently.
Brainol Ingredients and Side Effects
Ginkgo Biloba | Amino Acid Complex | DMAE |
Brahmi | Guarana | Huperzine A |
Brahmi: An entry that is somewhat perplexing, since this name may refer to a number of different herbs, some of which are more useful than others in products of this sort. It is likely that in this case, it describes bacopa Monnier, among the most effective ingredients for over the counter nootropic supplements on the current market, however, this is not guaranteed.
Brahmi is also frequently used to refer to Gotu kola, another herb that is sometimes found in nootropic products but that’s much less effective than bacopa. Gotu kola is mainly used as a source of caffeine that can make it seem as though it is increasing psychological function when in fact it isn’t a successful nootropic booster.
Follow this link to find out our experts’ list of the top ten nootropic supplements on the market nowadays.
There is no information on their site or in their promotional materials which clean up which version of Brahmi that this might be. There are also an assortment of other herbs that were known as Brahmi at different times that it may be referring to, but our study team considers that these are the two most likely options.
Guarana: A low-quality nootropic ingredients that are mostly used because of its caffeine content. Guarana itself does not have any genuine nootropic skills, however as stated earlier, caffeine can often masquerade as a nootropic since it can boost the thinking ability of people when they’re fatigued.
While it can help tired people think faster and stay focused for longer, in people that are not experiencing fatigue it may have the opposite effect; interrupting attention span and may be leading to tremors, nervousness, and irritability. Other potential side effects that have been associated with caffeine ingestion include:
- Blurred vision
- Slurred speech
- Spastic twitching
- Inability to control urination
- High blood pressure
- Slowed heart rate
There are also some concerns that huperzine A may interact with a number of different other conditions and medications. These may include epilepsy, peptic ulcers, certain types of lung conditions, drying medications, glaucoma medications, and certain types of Alzheimer’s medications.
To see which mental performance boosters our team recommends for improving study habits and information retention, follow this link.
Ginkgo Biloba: A common nootropic ingredient that is well regarded due to its ability to increase memory function and blood flow to the brain. Ginkgo extracts come from the needle-like leaves of the towering Ginkgo Biloba tree, which is found naturally growing in China but is now cultivated across the world. It is one of our experts’ most highly recommended herbs for products of this nature.
Amino Acid Complex: Brainol uses a variety of different amino, including tyrosine, theanine, and carnitine. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are often incredibly helpful in products like this, though it depends on the amino in question.
Carnitine is strongly recommended by our team of experts for products of this nature. It is thought to have a number of beneficial effects for the brain, including stimulating blood flow, improving attention span and focus, and boosting general cognitive abilities and energy levels.
Theanine is not considered a mental performance booster, but more of a relaxant. It is not a sedative technically, though it may have some similar effects.
DMAE: A precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine also known as deanol. DMAE has been shown to have a number of neurological benefits, including improving focus, mood, and memory abilities while also reducing the chances that later in life users will develop Alzheimer’s, dementia, or experience other symptoms of cognitive decline.
- Insomnia
- Vomiting
- Headaches
- Heart arrhythmia
- Seizure
- Heart attack
The other issue with caffeine is that after its initial boosting period, users may notice a marked come down phase where their energy, attention, and mental performance steeply decline. Our team of experts do not recommend caffeine or any caffeine based ingredients for use in nootropic supplements.
Huperzine A: An extract taken from the plant Chinese club moss that may have some benefits from preventing Alzheimer’s disease and age-related memory impairment. Although huperzine A may have some potential benefits, it also may potentially present some side effects risks.
These effects may be more mild, such as gastro-intestinal issues or headaches, however our team also had some more serious concerns about possible effects such as:
Brainol Quality of Ingredients
Brainol uses a number of high-quality nootropic ingredients, and some lower quality additives as well. Overall, it may have some benefits for users, but may also present some potential side effects risks as well.
The most effective ingredients found in Brainol are ginkgo biloba and carnitine, both of which our experts strongly recommend to any readers that are trying to boost mental performance in general and specifically memory function and cerebral blood flow. Depending on which form of brahmi that is being used, it may be recommended as well.
If it is bacopa monnieri, then it is one of the more effective herbal ingredients that users can hope to find. If, however, it is referring to gotu kola or another one of the alternative herbs called brahmi, then it is less encouraging.
Gotu kola would be especially troubling since it is a caffeine source, as is guarana, which is also found in their blend. Our team does not recommend any caffeine in their nootropic products, as it is a false mental performance booster that in the long run can make some of the problems that users are trying to overcome worse.
For more data about the best ways to ensure your brain stays active and limber as you age, click on this link.
The Price and Quality of Brainol
Brainol is found for sale through their own home page and through a variety of independent dealers. Here are the prices that are quoted on their website:
- 1, 60-count bottle (30-day supply) of Brainol capsules: $49.95
- 2, 60-count bottles (60-day supply) of Brainol capsules: $69.90
- 3, 60-count bottles (90-day supply) of Brainol capsules: $95.85
- 6, 60-count bottles (180-day supply) of Brainol capsules: $139.80
These are the prices that were being quoted as of the date of this review’s publication, and prices are subject to change at the whim of the manufacturer.
Business of Brainol
Brainol does not list a parent company, though that does not necessarily mean that they do not have one. The contact information that they do choose to publish includes:
Phone Number: (888) 592-3941
Address: Brainol does not provide any form of physical address on their website.
Email: [email protected]
Brainol has mediocre ratings from most outside analysts. Most of their distributors show that they tend to receive between three and four stars on average from their previous customers, though this number may be slightly inflated by fake reviews planted by the company themselves.
Click here to read more reviews of the top nootropic products on the market today.
Conclusion – Does Brainol Work?
Brainol has some positives about its blend that our panel of experts recommends in general, however they also have a number of factors that worry our team. Our reviewers do not tend to recommend any nootropic supplement that bases their mixture on caffeine – it is both ineffective for the majority of users, and it can have a number of potentially negative side effects.
They also have concerns about Chinese club moss, and were not impressed by the feedback that Brainol has received from past users. Our team encourages our readers to find a product that still uses ginkgo biloba, carnitine, and bacopa monnieri that is more effective all around than Brainol is.
The supplement that was listed as number one on our team’s top ten list is Memotenz. It uses ginkgo, carnitine, and bacopa, as well as a much more well-rounded list of secondary ingredients.
Memotenz is excellent for helping users to increase their information storage and recall abilities, to help them think faster and more accurately, and even for helping to improve the brain’s physical makeup. Click on this link to see if Memotenz may be useful for your specific nootropic needs.
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