Debunking 3 Skin-Care Myths with Expert Advice from a Dermatologist
Throughout our lives, we may have come across certain skin-care myths that have been ingrained in us since childhood. However, a board-certified dermatologist known as @dermdoctor on skin-care TikTok has shed light on the fact that many of these long-standing beliefs are not as accurate as we once thought. Let’s explore three common skin-care myths that have been debunked once and for all.
MYTH: Eating fried foods causes acne

Truth: Contrary to popular belief, this is a myth! While fried foods may not directly cause acne breakouts, there are other reasons to limit their consumption. Foods high in sugar, certain dairy products, wheat, and eggs can worsen acne in some individuals due to their potential to trigger inflammation in the gut, leading to skin issues like pimples.
MYTH: Using Neosporin on wounds is beneficial
Truth: This belief, though once thought to be effective, is not universally recommended as Neosporin can lead to skin allergies according to dermatologists and scientific studies. It is advised to use petroleum jelly or Vaseline for wound care instead.
MYTH: Hydrogen Peroxide is the best wound cleanser

Truth: Recent research from 2017 has shown that using hydrogen peroxide can actually harm tissues and delay wound healing. Dermatologists recommend opting for gentle cleaning with soap and water for injuries, even minor ones like scraped knees.
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