Do These 9 Chest Exercises at Home and stay healthy
Have you seen a slight difference in your breasts? As you get older, you may find that the form, size, and location of your breast changes. Don’t panic – these small changes are completely natural, not something you need to worry about. But, if you want to light up your breasts, consider doing some exercises in your chest at home.
Let’s face it. Committing to regular workouts targeting these muscle groups is a small price to pay for a better fitness. Plus, you don’t need a lot of expensive gear to get started with a routine like this one. To top it all off, this is great for a quick home workout. If you’re excited to get started, let’s look at the facts and some of the best exercises for firmer breasts.
Do Breast Firming Exercises Really Work?
Before we touch on some of the best chest exercises at home, it’s worth talking about the possible benefits here. Do breast firming exercises really work? And, if so, what kind of results can you expect when you first commit to a routine? While there are many claims out there, you may find it hard to know what the truth of the matter is. If you’re wondering how to get perky breasts, here’s what you need to know first:
Breast sagging happens for a variety of reasons

As you age, you may well worry about your breasts sagging. Indeed, many women want to know how to get perky breasts as they reach middle age and their golden years. Where your breasts sit on your body may differ depending on how many children you’ve had, whether you smoke, whether you’ve lost or gained weight, and your current BMI. Each woman is an individual in this manner, which means that there is no hard and fast rule for how perky your breasts will be for your age.
Breasts are comprised of fats and tissue

One of the most important things to note here is that your breasts contain no muscle. Women’s breasts are comprised of glandular tissue (which create milk when necessary) and fatty tissues.[1] There are also lobes, lobules, and ducts that help the milk travel through the tissue and out of the nipple. With that in mind, exercising won’t literally “firm up” your breasts since there is no muscle that can be enhanced there.
Exercise strengthens your pectoral muscles

However, since the breasts rest on top of the pectoral muscles, strengthening this muscle group is still worth doing. While this won’t change the shape or size of your breasts, it may alter where your breasts sit on your body. You shouldn’t expect miraculous changes to this area by any means. Still, the stronger these muscles are, the better equipped they are to hold your breasts in place, i.e. in a high and “perky” position.
Weight loss and fat loss could help too

Aside from strengthening your muscles, you may find that weight loss helps give the appearance of perkier breasts. Since, as we’ve already covered, a large proportion of your breasts consists of fatty tissues, losing weight could help them to look smaller and lifted. Trying some chest exercises at home could be the key to sculpting the physique you’re looking for. By combining both breast firming exercises and a healthy dose of cardio workouts, you may well find that you start to see a difference.
What Are the Benefits of Chest Exercises at Home?
You may already have a home exercise routine that you follow on a regular basis. So, what benefits can you expect when you start practicing chest exercises at home? Embarking on a new fitness regime means that you will see some physical changes in your body. However, that’s not the only reason to try some breast firming exercises. Here are some of the major benefits of this style of exercise and why you should try it:
More affordable than a gym

When you’re trying to save yourself some cash, working out at home could be a smart move. Luckily, you can do some chest exercises at home that are just as effective as those you try in the gym.
Not sure where to start? Trying a bodyweight chest workout could be the way to go. Unlike other weight training regimes, you don’t need a lot of expensive equipment or gear to give this a whirl. Instead, these chest exercises without weights use your own weight to add tension to specific muscles.
Tone up and boost muscle

Of course, one of the major reasons that so many women try chest exercises at home is because they want to tone up. When you start doing regular breast firming exercises, you will notice that the pectoral muscles under your breasts begin to get larger and more defined. The more you work these muscles, the more toned you will become.
While some women worry about the muscle looking too masculine, this is a fear that you don’t need to consider. Since a woman’s physique is different from a man’s, you should find that the way in which the muscle grows is equally different.
However, it’s worth tailoring your bodyweight chest workout to ensure that it suits the female form. Focusing a little more attention on the pectoralis minor muscle, which is small and sits beneath your breast, is one way to do that. The major pectoralis is the larger muscle and the one that men tend to work on the most.
Weight training helps to lose fat

Whether you’re trying a bodyweight chest workout or simply some resistance band chest exercises, the results should be relatively similar. These are two forms of weight training and, while they don’t involve free weights, they both produce the same type of outcome. Research from Wake Forest University suggests that weight training along with a calorie-controlled diet can lead to greater weight loss than cardio workouts.[2]
While losing weight won’t literally make your breasts perkier, it could give the physical appearance of doing so. Additionally, smaller breasts weigh less and therefore don’t sag as much as larger breasts do. Losing weight and toning your muscles is one step toward having a lifted look around the breast and general chest area.
Improve muscle tone and boost metabolism

When you first start doing some chest exercises at home, you may wonder what type of results you can expect. One of the most surprising side effects of this fitness regime could be that not only do you begin to tone up, but you also end up boosting your metabolism. Both of these things mean that you will have a healthier, stronger physical appearance.
Research from the American Physiological Society suggests that weight training can actually boost the production of growth hormones in women.[3] These hormones can help to build muscle mass and improve metabolic functions in the body. Women, in particular, need high levels of growth hormone to build muscle and bone. The same theory may not be true for men as they tend to gain muscle through the production.
Try This Bodyweight Chest Workout
No exercise equipment at home? No problem! Luckily, you don’t need to have a fully kitted-out home gym to give yourself an effective bodyweight workout. There are plenty of chest exercises without weights that target key muscle groups in your body. If you’re just starting out, we might have the ideal bodyweight chest workout for you. Here’s a quick fitness routine that you can adapt and use to suit your own skill level. Give it a go!
Chest Stretch

Before we get into how to do effective chest exercises at home, you need to make sure that you stretch the muscles out. Whenever you do any form of physical exercise, it’s crucial that you warm the muscle groups up by stretching well. Doing so can help you avoid cramps, aches, and pains along the way. Here’s one to get you started.
- Targeted muscles: Pectoralis major and minor muscles
- Repetitions: 2 sets (8 reps per set)
How to do it: Start by standing up straight with your body directly over your hips. You should pull in your abs to make sure that your core is tight. Roll your shoulders backward together. Next, lift up your arms so that they make a 90-degree angle at each side of your head. Push your hands together in front of you and then pull back to the start position. Repeat this action for eight repetitions per set.
Pro Tip: You can adapt this particular move into a set of free weight exercises. All you need to do is use some dumbbells. Opt for low-level weights of around 4kg. Hold a weight in each hand and practice the move as described above.
Wide Push-ups

One of the best things about push-ups is that you don’t need any gear to get this exercise right. When we’re considering the best chest exercises at home, you shouldn’t overlook these movements. While they may be simple, they are certainly effective as well. Bringing your arms into a wider position targets the pectoral muscles directly.
- Targeted muscles: Biceps, triceps, pectoralis minor, and pectoralis major muscles
- Repetitions: 3 sets (10 reps per set)
How to do it: First of all, get down into the standard push-up position. Make sure that your back is straight and your butt is low to the floor. Bring your arms out wide so that they are more than chest-width apart. Lower the weight of your body to the ground using your arms and then push yourself back up to the start position. The key is to maintain control and precision throughout. You should aim to do this for ten repetitions per set.
Pro Tip: As you become stronger and gain muscle in your upper body, you should find that it’s easier than ever to complete these repetitions. You should start with just three sets as part of this bodyweight chest workout. However, as you improve, feel free to take things up a notch. You could aim to move up to five sets per session. We all need goals!
Isometric Chest Press

Since this is a bodyweight chest workout, you use the weight of your body to apply pressure to different muscle groups. Another word for this particular technique is isometric. With this next exercise, you will use the strength of your upper body against itself. It’s a relatively straightforward method to master and, as an added bonus, you can practice this any time and any place you please.
- Targeted muscles: Biceps, triceps, pectoralis minor, and pectoralis major muscles
- Repetitions: 2 sets (10 reps per set)
How to do it: Start in a standing position and make sure your back is straight. It might help you to roll your shoulders back so you get your posture right from the offset. Place your hands together and push them against one another. Apply as much pressure as feels natural and comfortable for your strength level. Hold this position for a period of five seconds and then release. Repeat this action ten times per set.
Pro Tip: Make sure that you have your arms in the correct position when executing this particular move. You should have your elbows bent in front of you to create a box-like shape. While you’re completing your sets, pay close attention to the position and adjust your stance to make sure that it’s always on point.
Wall Push-ups

While we’ve already covered regular push-ups, no chest and bicep workout can be completed without adding some wall push-ups into the mix. Much like the former push-up exercise in this bodyweight chest workout, you should find that these are a helpful addition to your current fitness regime. What’s more, they target your arms and chest in one move, which means that you get a lot out of the sets you complete.
- Targeted muscles: Biceps, triceps, pectoralis minor, and pectoralis major muscles
- Repetitions: 2 sets (15 reps per set)
How to do it: Of course, while you won’t need any equipment for these upper chest exercises, you will need to use a sturdy wall. Start by standing around three feet away from a wall, putting the palm of your hands flat on the wall.
You should make sure that you keep your hands up at the same level as your shoulders. While putting pressure on your arms and hands, bend your elbows and draw your body closer to the wall. Then push back until you are in your starting position. Repeat this action for around 15 repetitions per set.
Pro Tip: The further away you stand from the wall, the harder this exercise will be. If you feel comfortable with the original wall push-up, there’s an easy way to make it more intense. Simply take a step back before you start your set for a deeper, harder move.
The Top 5 Resistance Band Chest Exercises
As you can see from the above workout guide, doing chest exercises at home doesn’t take a lot of gear. However, if you do find that you’d like to take your regime to a new level, you should consider adding some resistance band training to your routine. Without further ado, let’s take a moment to look at the top five resistance band chest exercises that you have to try.
Reverse Pectoral Fly

Are you completely new to using resistance bands? When you’re a beginner, starting out with some simple resistance band chest exercises is a great way to introduce yourself to these types of workouts. One of the easiest chest exercises at home has to be the pectoral fly. For this movement, you will need a band and a sturdy object that is fixed in place.
- Targeted muscles: Biceps, triceps, shoulder, pectoralis minor, and pectoralis major muscles
- Repetitions: 2 sets (10 reps per set)
How to do it: First of all, you need to fix your resistance band to something sturdy. You do this by looping the band around the chosen object. Then, stand with your back to the object and hold each end of the band in your hands. Slowly and in a controlled movement, pull your arms forward so that your hands meet at the front of your chest. Hold for a few seconds and then release. Repeat this movement for ten repetitions per set.
Pro Tip: The further away you stand from the object, the more resistance and pressure you will create. This means that you will work your muscle groups harder. As you start mastering this basic movement, take a step away from the object and bands for a deeper move.
Resistance Push-ups

Want to make your push-ups even more effective? Adding a resistance band to this common exercise is one way to do just that. Trying these chest exercises at home means that you will get a really solid workout and target the pectoral muscles at the same time. Technique is everything with this activity. The more you practice, the better you will be!
- Targeted muscles: Biceps, triceps, pectoralis minor, and pectoralis major muscles
- Repetitions: 3 sets (10 reps per set)
How to do it: Some of the best resistance band chest exercises are adaptations of regular movements that you already know. One such example of this is the resistance push-up move. For this set of exercises, you need to get into the standard push-up position. Wrap the resistance band over your back and down each arm. Hold the end of the band in each hand and pull it as tight as you can manage.
Next, you need to execute a normal push-up. Lower your body down to the ground by bending your arms at the elbow. Then, you just have to push yourself back up to the start position once again. In this second half of the move, you should feel a stronger resistance in your upper body and chest. The reason for that is that you’re having to push against the resistance band as well as your own bodyweight.
Pro Tip: As with most resistance band chest exercises, the tighter you pull the band, the harder this movement will be. If you’re looking to kick things up a level, simply pull the band tighter in your hands and get working!
Chest Press

Traditionally chest presses tend to require a lot of equipment. You need a bench, a bar, and some weights to complete a set of these exercises. However, luckily for you, you can try some chest exercises at home which are just as functional. These chest presses use resistance bands rather than free weights to create tension. Try these to give you a real chest and bicep workout quickly and easily.
- Targeted muscles: Biceps, triceps, pectoralis minor, and pectoralis major muscles
- Repetitions: 2 sets (15 reps per set)
How to do it: Lay on your back with the resistance band lying flat beneath you. Grab each end of the band with each of your hands. Stretch your arms out in front of you and find the right resistance level for you. The tighter you pull the bands, the more intense this set of exercises will be. Bring your arms back down by bending them at the elbow. Push your arms forward and back for 15 repetitions per set.
Pro Tip: You need to ensure that the band is in the right position before you start. It should be lying flat on the floor and run across the width of your shoulder blades. If you happen to feel discomfort while executing this move, you need to adjust its position and start again.
Standing Raise

As you’re doing many of these chest exercises at home, it pays to consider how much space you will have. You don’t need a lot of room to execute the standing raise and still get a lot of benefits from the move. This particular activity targets your chest area but also your shoulders and your lats. When you add it to your bodyweight chest workout, you should find that it helps to tone and boost your muscles.
- Targeted muscles: Pectoral, shoulders, and latissimus dorsi muscles
- Repetitions: 2 sets (10 reps per set)
How to do it: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your shoulders raised. Put the resistance band below you on the floor and place each foot flat on top of it. Bend down and grab each end of the band with each hand. Keep your palms facing in toward your body and pull the band upward. Bend your arms at the elbow to make a 90-degree angle as you do so. Repeat this action ten times per set.
Pro Tip: As you bring the band up into the pulled position, avoid raising your shoulders to compensate for the weight shift. This is a common error that most people make when they first start out. Luckily, it is easy to correct. Focus on keeping your shoulders level.
Simple Pectoral Fly

Many of the chest exercises at home that we’ve covered are straightforward. However, perhaps this one is the simplest of all. When you have learned the technique, you can use this type of exercise as your “go-to” chest toning technique. Plus, it also targets your arm muscles as well, for an intense-level workout.
- Targeted muscles: Biceps, triceps, pectoralis minor, and pectoralis major muscles
- Repetitions: 3 sets (10 reps per set)
How to do it: To complete the simple pectoral fly movement, you first need to find your prime level of resistance. Wrap the band around each of your hands until you can only pull it about ten inches apart at a time. Hold your arms out directly in front of you and pull the band as far as you can from each side. Hold for a few seconds and then release.
Pro Tip: The tighter you pull the band, the better this exercise will be. Again, the more you practice this one, the more likely you are to improve. As you get stronger, you may want to try a firmer band or even just tighten the one that you are currently using.

Why not start some chest exercises at home today? The truth is that exercise will not have much of an impact on the shape of your breasts. Despite this, strengthening the muscle groups – the pectoralis minor and major – under your breasts will help to keep them strong and even give you an overall perkier look. What’s more, engaging in any form of weight training will lead to fat loss which could also improve the look of your breasts.
Now that you’re well armed with all the information you need, it’s time to start a new fitness routine in the comfort of your own home. Follow our helpful guide and start toning up now.