The Best Fat Burning Food From India
Previously few articles were already published on Foods for Flat Belly here and for weight loss here. Today one more list is here with Top Fat Burning Foods. I’m listing a few easily available food items like grains, meats, green tea, etc. which burn fat easily.
Top Fat Burning Foods / Indian Fat Burning Foods
1. Whole Grains:
Cut down those processed foods and take whole grains like brown rice, oats, etc. Our body burns double the calories to break down whole foods than processed foods.
2. Moong Dal:
These are very rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E, minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, etc. and have very low-fat content with lots of proteins and fibers thus reduces cholesterol levels in the body.
3. Green tea:
Do you want to lose around or more than 10 pounds in just a few weeks? Then make a habit of drinking green tea. EGCG is a compound present in green tea which temporarily speeds up the metabolism. Take at least a cup a day for good results.
4. Curry Leaves:
Curry leaves do a great job in flushing out toxins and lowering the fat deposits. Try taking around 10 leaves every day or chop them and make a drink for yourself.
5. Lean meats:
During digestion, proteins like lean meats burn 30% of the calories to break down the food. So you are losing calories easily.
6. Low-Fat Dairy Products:
Low dairy products are rich in calcium and vitamin D which are very important to build some muscle for proper maintenance of metabolism.
7. Chilies/Peppers:
These hot peppers can increase your metabolic rate so fast and burn extra calories. This is due to the presence of a compound called Capsaicin. Add them to your diet and cut your fat.
8. Turmeric:
Curcumin in turmeric is said to help in lowering bad or LDL cholesterol and protect the heart.
9. Garlic:
Allicin, a sulfur compound is present in garlic which has anti-bacterial properties. Thus it prevents unhealthy fats and reduces cholesterol.
10. Cardamom:
Cardamoms improve digestion and cure digestion related problems and thus they make other food items digest effectively.
11. Cinnamon:
The spicy cinnamon helps glucose enter the cells easily and thus prevents the building of fats. For this, at least 1/4thtsp of t should be taken.
12. Lentils:
Those who have iron deficiency should take lentils. Just a cup has 35% of our daily needs of iron. Iron is important which if deficient slows down your metabolism.
13. Millets:
Millets like Bajra, Jwar, ragi, etc. are rich in fiber. They secrete bile which emulsifies fats and thus reduces cholesterol.
14. Mustard Oil:
The low saturated oil with fatty acids, oleic acid, erucic acid, linoleic acid anti-oxidants, vitamins, etc. is mustard oil. It’s very effective in reducing weight.
15. Bergamot oranges:
These oranges have some compounds which have proven to reduce cholesterol and help in losing weight.
16. Blueberries:
Blueberries can effectively burn fat. These are known for reducing belly fat. Eat them and try to get a flat belly.
17. Pears:
Catechins and flavonoids can be found richly in pears. These fruits help a lot in losing weight with their anti-oxidants.
18. Apple Peels:
Though we Indians eat the peels of apples, it is important to note that these peels contain Ursolic acid improves muscles and cuts the fats burning calories.
19. Honey:
Everyone knows well that honey is always recommended for weight loss. It makes the deposited fats to be utilized by the body. A spoon of honey with lukewarm water is recommended every morning on empty stomach.
20. Buttermilk:
Buttermilk has very low calories and fats when compared to whole milk. It gives essential nutrients to the body if taken every day without adding fats thus recommended for weight loss.
21. Cabbage:
Do you know how important cabbage is? It inhibits carbohydrates conversion into fats. That way it’s good at reducing weight.