The Most Effective Back And Core Workout That Doesn’t Need Gym Equipment
When you don’t have access to gym equipment, you might not think you can get the strong muscles you see while scrolling through your Instagram feed. Especially when it comes to your back, as everyone seems to be achieving those gains from using expensive workout machines—not from doing at-home workouts. But here’s a little secret for you: You can build up just as much strength right in your living room, and you don’t need anything other than a resistance band.
While resistance bands don’t look like much—they are made from latex or rubber, after all—they can challenge you with as little as five pounds and more than 50 pounds of weight, depending on which one you choose. Pretty impressive, to say the least, since that’s essentially the same amount of weight you’d be using with most machines at the gym. And in the latest episode of Good Moves, trainer Maxine Goynes of MG Method uses a resistance band to work every part of your back and core.
During the 15-minute core and back resistance band workout, Goynes goes through two sets, each of which involves two rounds of five exercises each. Those rounds aren’t easy, either. She says the key in getting the most out of the sweat sesh is keeping tension in the band during every movement—something that’s easier said than done when you’re really starting to feel the burn. But by pushing through, you’ll reap all the muscle-boosting benefits from the exercises, including rows, slow mountain climbers, and glute brides with heel taps.
This core and back resistance band workout may be mostly targeting those areas, but after finishing it, you’ll undoubtedly be feeling it all over. All thanks to the underrated—and super-powerful—resistance band.