Tips To Overcome Your Exercise Excuses
This article is directed towards Not so Active folks (read lazy bum like me :P)! I plan to take a print of this post and stick it right opposite to my bed. You might ask why! Well, I wish to read it as soon as I get up in the morning ?
Let’s discuss top excuses and also…..
The best methods to overcome exercise excuses
I am so busy / I have no time
I have found an extremely good trick for this excuse. It works well even for the laziest creatures that exist (like me). Say to yourself “Just half-hour”. The majority of the time, you will end up doing your full workout.
If you are tired, take rest and eat something. Now that the lockdown is easing slowly, once the gyms open up, go there when you feel better.
I have no partner. I hate to workout alone.
Really? Then find one! Make friends around and go for walks together.
If you find working out in the gym to be boring, you can keep changing your workouts. Some of the options of best exercises to lose weight are here and here.
I have household work to do
I can understand that wives and mommies have household work to do especially while working from home it becomes really exhausting but I am sure that your family will support you if you take your health seriously. You can postpone the activities which you can do after your workout or take help from hubby or kids.
This is a very popular excuse for people who are extremely overweight. I have seen people who have difficulty walking or even sitting on the floor. There is always a start. Take baby steps at a time. You CAN! Adnan Sami is the best example. He was so obese that he used a wheelchair for years; could not walk. One fine day, he shocked the world by appearing in a slim avatar.
Many of our readers say that they are lean or underweight and ask if they need to exercise. The answer is Yes. You can gain weight by working out. You can stay fit and improve your stamina by workout out if you are already lean.
Bipasha Basu has lost oodles of weight despite suffering from arthritis. Read her weight loss story here and her fitness secret here.
Exercise helps in better sleep. Do you need more reason to sleep better?
No change ! I never see results
I have also given this excuse to avoid exercising. The key to being successful is a healthy diet in addition to exercise. If you are trying to lose weight, diet cannot be messed up, no matter how much you are working out. Read the importance of diet and exercise in weight loss here.
These were the Best Ways to Overcome Exercise Excuses. Do you have some other way? Please let us know!